Consumer Digital Empowerment Index – Roadhsow

This CLAx event in Sofia, Bulgaria, marks the kickoff of our inaugural roadshow for the Consumer Digital Empowerment Index – 2023 edition organized by the Bulgarian National Association Active Consumers. The event featured the esteemed presence of Alexander Yolovski, the Bulgarian Minister of e-Government.


Bulgaria 🇧🇬

19 February 2024

Event summary

The honor of opening the meeting was fulfilled by Alexander Iolovski, Minister of e-Government, who expressed his interest in the topic of the meeting and the results on the Consumer Digital Empowerment Index, followed by Zornitsa Rusinova, president of the Economic and Social Committee, who also supported the initiative, while also highlight some of the most important issues related to the digitalization of consumer services, and Dr. Bogomil Nikolov, Executive Director, Bulgarian National Association Active Consumers, who was also the facilitator of the event.

The main event was the engaging presentation of the results of Consumers Digital Empowerment Index 2023, explained by Marco Scialdone, Head Litigation and Academic Outreach at Euroconsumers and Lucia Napoli, Researcher, Statistical Surveys Dept., Euroconsumers. They presented the aim of the survey, the process of conducting the survey, the methodology and the results. Their throughout explanation on the index was very well accepted by the participants and actively discussed during the discussions and the coffee breaks when participants can communicate in a non-formal way.

The presentation on the index was followed by a presentation of the priorities of the Digital Decade program in Bulgaria of a representative of the Ministry of e-Governance. The presenter was really emotional due to the results of Index and the challenges before the digitalisation process in the country.

Several presentations of positions, good practices and presentations were made by representatives of employer, trade union and other civil organizations like Atanas Temelcov, Economic And Social Committee member and raporteur on the Economic And Social Committee opinion on “Digital Bulgaria: politics, measures and challenges”; Milena Angelova, European Economic And Social Committee member and raporteur on the opinion on the European Economic And Social Committee Opinion “Digital Skills and Education Package”; and Sonya Spasova, European Consumer Center in Bulgaria on “Consumers’ problems in cross border purchases”.

“Technology and progress are not at fault. It is our approach that has to change, we need to learn how to use it (technology). Educating and informing consumers should be guided by the state through an extensive informational campaign.”

Prof. Dr. Mihail Konchev – Deputy Chairman of the National Statistical Institute


Stay tuned for the next CLAx events on the most topical issues affecting consumers in the digital world and follow us on LinkedIn to receive updates on our future activities.