

Cookie Policy

We use cookies on our website. In connection with the personal data that you entrust to us, we inform you transparently here about our policy on the placement and use of cookies from our website to the device through which you visit it. 


1. Who is responsible for data processing?

The data controller is Synallagma SA (hereafter, “Synallagma”), with registered office in Rue De Hollande 13, 1060 Brussels (Belgium), n. De TVA BE0774857180. The data controller can be contacted by email for questions relating to this policy at the address The Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted at the email address

2. What are cookies and how are they used on this website?

Cookies are small data or text files generated by a website and placed on your computer or on any other device you are using to access the website (smartphone, tablet…). Each cookie contains a unique code that allows to recognize your browser when you visit the website or to improve your experience on later visits. The content of a cookie generally consists of the name of the server that installed it, an expiration date, and a unique numerical code.

Cookies can have different purposes: for example, there are technical cookies (for language settings), session cookies (temporary) and tracking cookies (cookies that record user behaviour on the website to offer a better experience).

Session cookies store information locally on your device for the duration of your visit and expire at the end of your browsing session, i.e. when you close your browser window, the session, cookie and information it collected are deleted. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer or other device and they remain there after you close your session until you delete them manually or until your browser deletes them based on the pre-determined period contained within the persistent cookie’s file.

Cookies may be installed by the server of the website being visited or by a partner with whom this website collaborates. The website server can only read cookies that it has set itself. It does not have access to other information on the user’s computer or mobile device.

3. Synallagma uses the following cookies on this website:


3.1 Types of cookies placed by Synallagma SA, publisher of the site

Cookie Name

Gravity Forms


Gravity forms only uses cookies when a user is interacting with a part of the admin UI. Regular users will not have a cookie set as part of this plug in

Cookie Name



WordPress uses cookies for authenticated users (back end, CEP staff) and in comments functionality (The CEP site does not use in comments functionality)

Third Party services set cookies:

Cookie Name



Used for video recommendations when opening video on the Youtube website.

Cookie Name


Cookie Objective

Used when user logs into panel to save settings and credentials

Cookie Name

Google Analytics


To store session data to infirm analytics dashboard

3.2. Analytical cookies
These cookies collect information about how you use this site, such as which pages you have visited, and which links you have clicked on. Their sole purpose is to improve the functionality of the site, its dynamic adaptations of the site and its content, as well as to provide us with statistics on the number of visits to a particular page.
These cookies may be placed by Euroconsumers as well as by a limited number of Euroconsumers’ subcontractors.
These cookies can only be placed after you have actively given your consent to do so.
In order to be able to analyze the way in which the site is used, we use the services of the following subcontractors:

3.2.1. Google (services: Google 360, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager)
Our site uses the services of Google 360, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. These are analytical services provided by Google Ireland Limited (hereinafter “Google”). Google uses cookies to help us analyze how the site is used. The information collected by these cookies about your use of the site and your IP address is transmitted by your browser to Google’s servers for processing. It is possible that this data will be processed outside the European Union.
We have taken care to configure Google’s services with the priority of safeguarding your privacy, in such a way that this data cannot be used by Google for itself or for companies other than Euroconsumers. Google will process this data to evaluate the use of this website, to compile reports on the activity on it.
The user can avoid the installation of cookies by adapting the parameters of his browser, but it must then be taken into account that it will no longer be possible to use all the functionalities of this website. You can also block the transmission of information, including your IP address, to Google by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on available here.
For more information about the data processing linked to this tool, see this page. The lifespan of this cookie is maximum 24 months.

3.3. Advertising cookies
These cookies track user’s online activity to help advertisers make their ads more relevant or limit the number of times an ad is shown to you. These cookies have a maximum life of 24 months.
These cookies can only be placed on your computer with your explicit consent.
Euroconsumers allows third-party companies to place the following cookies through its website:


4. Cookie management

When you visit our website, you are asked to accept or reject all cookies and you have the option of accepting or rejecting categories of cookies, such as analytical cookies, personalization cookies and advertising cookies. These cookies will only be placed on your computer if and after you have accepted them. Whenever you want to change the cookies you accept, you can do it in Cookie Settings.

Only strictly necessary cookies will be placed without your consent. You can delete cookies already installed on your computer or mobile device at any time.

You can also refuse the installation of all cookies at any time via your browser settings. Disabling cookies may mean that you can no longer use certain features of the website.

Blocking all cookies is done differently depending on the browser you are using. Please see the links below for more information on how to manage cookies with each of the major browsers:

4.1. For Microsoft Edge:

  1. Click on “More …> Settings”
  2. Select “Show advanced settings”
  3. Under Privacy and Services> Cookies, select the option that suits you.

4.2. For Firefox:

  1. Open the “Tools” menu
  2. Select “Options”
  3. Click on the “Privacy” tab
  4. Choose the options you want or  follow this link .

4.3. For Chrome:

  1. Open the configuration menu
  2. Select “Options”
  3. Click on “Advanced options”
  4. In the “Confidentiality” section, click on “Content settings”
  5. Choose the desired options or find these explanations  by following this link.

4.4. For Safari:

  1. Choose “Safari> Preferences”
  2. Click on “Security”
  3. In the “Accept cookies” section, choose the desired options.

4.5. For Opera:

  1. Open the “Tools” or “Settings” menu
  2. Select “Delete private data”
  3. Click on the “Detailed options” tab
  4. Choose the desired options.

5. Does the policy apply to linked websites?

Our websites may contain links to other websites. This cookie policy only applies to this website so, when you link to other websites, you should read their own cookie policies.

6. How do we update this cookie policy?

We keep our cookie policy under regular review, and we will place any updates on our webpage. This cookie policy was last updated in November 2023.