CALL FOR PAPERS | “Towards an innovative data ecosystem in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”
download pdfThe fifth edition of the "My Data is Mine Award", which will take place in Lisbon during the 2024 Web Summit, aims to stimulate academic research on the sustainable development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from a data protection perspective.
We welcome 5000-8000 words papers from young scholars - up to age of 35 years old, addressing various aspects of data environmentalism within the context of AI, including (but not limited to):
1. Publicly Available Data - in Search of a legal basis for usage: the proliferation of publicly available data on the internet has fueled innovation in AI research and applications. However, the legal landscape on the usage of that publicly available data demands further clarification. We seek submissions examining the legal, ethical, and societal implications of using publicly available data for training AI systems, along with proposals for establishing a robust legal framework to facilitate responsible data access and usage, a balance of rights and a risk-based approach.
2. Synthetic Data and the Future of AI: as AI systems increasingly rely on vast amounts of data for training, the generation of synthetic data has emerged as a promising solution to mitigate privacy concerns, reduce data collection, and promote sustainability. We welcome submissions exploring the advancements, challenges, and implications of synthetic data in the development and deployment of AI technologies.
3. Less is More - how to have a more sustainable approach toward the development of Generative AI: Generative AI has revolutionized various fields, including art, music, and text generation. However, the data demands associated with training large-scale generative models raise significant concerns. Papers discussing strategies for optimizing data consumption, enhancing efficiency, and promoting data sustainability in generative AI research are encouraged.
4. Other Related Topics: Additionally, we welcome submissions addressing other pertinent topics such as:
– Ethical considerations in data collection, processing, and usage within AI applications.
– Strategies for reducing bias and promoting fairness in AI algorithms and decision-making processes.
– Privacy-enhancing technologies applied to Generative AI
– Potential Harms and Mitigation Measures at the application level of AI systems.
– Policy recommendations for fostering sustainability and ethical practices
in the development and deployment of AI technologies
* Papers submitted for the My Data is Mine Award must remain unpublished until November 16, 2024. After this date, submissions may also be published in scientific journals.
MDIM 2024 | Scientific Committee:
- Soledad Atienza, IE Law School - Spain
- Francisco Pereira Coutinho, Nova School of Law - Portugal
- Mateja Durovic, King’s College London - UK
- Graça Canto Moniz, Nova School of Law - Portugal
- Giovanni De Gregorio, Catolica Law School – Portugal
- Argyri Panezi, University of New Brunswick – Canada
- Luca Bolognini, The Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Valorisation (IIP) – Italy
- Gianclaudio Malgieri, Brussels Privacy Hub, VUB – Belgium
- Alberto Maria Gambino, European University of Rome - Italy
- Raffaele Torino, Roma Tre University - Italy
- Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Tarbiat Modares University - Iran
"Towards an innovative data ecosystem in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"