My data to develop AI: How data protection and intellectual property laws shape AI research

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Written by Amanda Costa Novaes
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Tags AI, Data, gdpr

In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and experimental development, the implications of data protection and intellectual property (IP) laws take center stage. These legal fields dictate if and how researchers can use data and databases to train AI systems. The study explores the research exception of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and IP-relevant directives, emphasizing the aimed balance between privacy, creator’s rights, and innovation. While the first offers a broad approach, IP laws create a distinction based on the profit goals of the research institution. The complex interplay of these regulations raises questions about their collective impact on fostering AI innovation, particularly concerning biases and public interest.

Amanda Costa Novaes

Research assistant at NOVA IPSI

Amanda Costa Novaes

About the author

Amanda Costa Novaes is a lawyer with a double degree from the University of Coimbra (UC/PT) and the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA/BR). Currently pursuing a master's degree in Business Law and Tech at the NOVA School of Law and working as a Research Assistant at the NOVA Knowledge Centre on Intellectual Property & Sustainable Innovation (IPSI).